
Helpful PlanetSide 2 Resources (PlanetSide 2 Gameplay)

2016-12-17 4 Dailymotion

Check the description below for a list of helpful links relating to PlanetSide 2. Whether it's individual weapon stats, resistances, class guides, blogs, all sorts of good stuff down here. Feel free to help build on this list as well, by suggesting links in the comments section.

::Free Items for New Players::

::Good Resources for Beginners::
ChipMHazard's Compilation of Useful Links (extremely thorough) -- http://bit.ly/PS2UsefulLinksCompilation
Iridar's Light Assault Guide (also extremely thorough) - http://bit.ly/PS2LightAssaultGuide
Find a PlanetSide 2 Mentor - http://bit.ly/PS2Mentoring

::Info on Weapons/Statistics::
Weapon Data Sheets - http://bit.ly/PS2WeaponDataSheets
Weapon Damage Analyzer - http://bit.ly/PS2WeaponDamageAnalyzer
Resist Tables - http://bit.ly/PS2ResistTables
Dasanfall's All Weapons Database - http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/items/weapons
Heavy Assault Overshield Tests - http://bit.ly/PS2NMGTesting
(A bit dated, Adrenaline Shield only regens 20% now, instead of 25%, but otherwise relevant information.)
Infantry AV Weapons comparison - http://bit.ly/PS2InfantryAVcomparison
MAX AV Weapons comparison - http://bit.ly/PS2MAXAVcomparison

::Info on Player Statistics::
Dasanfall's All Players Database - http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/players
Oracle of Death (Stats pulled about player weapon use.) - http://bit.ly/PS2OracleofDeath
PlanetSide 2 Players - https://players.planetside2.com
PlanetSide 2 Intel - http://www.planetside-intel.com
Number of people playing - http://sirisian.com/planetside2/population.php

::Supporting Communities::
PlanetSide Universe - http://www.planetside-universe.com
Reddit (lots gets discussed here) -- http://reddit.com/r/planetside
PlanetSide 2 Daily Deals - https://twitter.com/PS2DailyDeals
PlanetSide 2 Google+ Community -- https://plus.google.com/+planetside2/posts
Official PS2 Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PlanetSide2
Official PS2 Twitter - https://twitter.com/planetside2

::Helpful Player Blogs::
Squadside (squad tactics and discussion) - http://www.squadside.com
Learn 2 Fly ESF (title speaks for itself) - http://learn2flyesf.wordpress.com
Down the Sights (an Infiltrator's Blog) - http://aninfiltratorsblog.wordpress.com

::Attached Videos::
Tower Stomping Tutorial - http://youtu.be/oOcDDEJcMIM
How to: Compensate for Recoil - http://youtu.be/Nz-NPrDSaiA
Directional Influence - http://youtu.be/Pc20UjiyDuc

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Check out the Let's Play Channel: http://youtube.com/CasualWrel
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