
Useful Tips on How to Handle These Common Problems with Garage Doors

2016-12-14 12 Dailymotion

Coastal Contract Hardware - http://coastalcontracthardware.com/ - Useful Tips on How to Handle These Common Problems with Garage Doors - Throughout years of use, it is inevitable that garage doors will need repairs and replacement of important parts. Learn how to deal with common problems to determine if you will need professional help.

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As sturdy as they are usually built, garage doors are not meant to hold up forever. Knowing how to handle common problems will help determine if a professional is needed. If the garage door won't close, it could indicate a photo eye alignment issue. Make sure that the track is oiled up and that eye isn't misaligned or dirty. Doors that open or close erratically could be a sign of transmitter problems. Your door may be on the same frequency as your neighbor or the buttons are jammed. Having faulty garage door springs is another common complaint from homeowners. These will need immediate replacement so your doors don't get damaged any further. If you are in need of professional help, trust experts from Coastal Contract Hardware. We provide quality repair services throughout the Myrtle Beach, SC area. To learn more, call us at 843.946.3500 or visit www.CoastalContractHardware.com. All rights reserved.

Coastal Contract Hardware
Myrtle Beach,
SC 29577
United States

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