
Let's Play Mirror's Edge - Episode 1 - Prologue

2016-11-27 5 Dailymotion

Hey guys in this video Bryan plays the Xbox 360 game Mirror's Edge; its a game where you parkour,run & jump alot! Its like a parkour simualtor of sorts. Watch as Bryan plays as Faith; a woman who is part of a group the "Runners" who run around parkouring along rooftops and stuff and taking jobs for people to help them fight the government. In this episode Bryan will play the prolougue and try to figure out how to play this wierd game. Will he be able to parkour his way to victory or will this game be so hard it'll drive him into the deepest depths of his insanity? Will he keep his cool or will he burst out with rage?! Find out all this and more in today's episode of Mirror's Edge!

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