
Fulpy.com - Using Fulpy Google Chrome Extension and Earning Affiliate Commissions

2016-11-21 12 Dailymotion

Before watching the video, we recommend you install the Extension here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fulpy/cediaopipnheojmlmmfdgffpgkckjopb

This video explains the process of adding products to your collections on https://www.fulpy.com using Fulpy Google Chrome Extension, and introduction to Earnings through Fulpy Affiliate Program.

Text for the above video is mentioned below:

After installing the Google Chrome Extension for Fulpy, adding products becomes a lot easier!

To add any product in your collections on Fulpy, click on the F button near your address bar.

The product image and details are automatically fetched.

Select your collection, post a few hashtags if you want.

In the next screen, put the actual price of the product and select the category which makes product discovery easier.

Click on Post button and you're done! Your product is posted now!

The product page shows the store name, and the user who posted this product.

Clicking on the image or the Buy button takes you to the parent store where you can buy the product and see more product details!

When a user clicks on this product and places an order from the parent store, you're eligible for affiliate commission offered by this store. You may check out earnings through your profile by going to My Earnings section under your profile pic.

The earnings page shows you the sale amount of a product purchased by clicking on product added by you, and the commission earned against it, with transaction date.

That's all about adding products to Fulpy and earning commissions through it! All the best for your participation!