
Evylyn - 40 man free for all - 5.4 Warrior World PvP Carnage /w honor capped WoW MoP Warrior PvP 5.3

2016-11-20 4 Dailymotion

Hey guys so today bring you something new, i havint done anything like this so far, we had a massive guild brawl 40 man batte royal, it was epic and a lot of fun, we also did 20v20, and some pve by killing the darkmoon rabbit, had a blast and hope you guys enjoy, also be sure to share some of my videos with your friends and help our channel grow, the more subs we get the more i can do this full time, anyways stay awesome guys :)

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WCM - http://www.warcraftmovies.com/pv.php?l=Evylyn

Music by:
Dj Zenit - http://www.youtube.com/djzenitswe
Songs:- Equinox, Ignite

Andraes B - http://www.youtube.com/ASBsounds
Songs:- Body and Soul