
How to draw Pororo Harry for kids Как нарисовать мультфильм Пороро Harry для детей

2016-11-19 1 Dailymotion

How to draw Pororo Harry for kids Как нарисовать мультфильм Пороро Harry для детей

To paint used program Для рисования использовались программы: Babycasso, Art for Kids - Learn to Draw Babycasso, Draw cartoon hero on the step, Рисуем героев Винни Пуха, Draw game heroes on the phone, Draw games heroes on the steps, Нарисовать героев игр по шагам, Draw star heroes on the steps, Рисуем героев по шагам, Draw the heroes of the game, Нарисуйте героев игры по шагам, How to draw animals on phone, How to draw lego ninja, How to draw cartoon Cossacks, How to draw lego monster,How to draw ninja on phone, How to draw, Learn How to draw, Drawing ideas, How to draw Little Pony

Used to think that nothing can draw) rather I not try and then the children and my mother draw yes mum draw. I think a lot of other parents who have children 2-8 years sruzu also will learn to draw in art school). I picked up the phone saw very many programs with which is very easy to narisovati can say a couple of months ago, decided to draw a picture for the first child and.

That's decided to open the channel and show that learning to draw for children is not very difficult, because children do not need a very complex drawings and paintings are simple, with cartoons or games and can say a couple of minutes.
 I'm not trying to show what I am cool artist, and to show parents that there are many applications in which you can easily draw (10-15 minutes) characters of their favorite games or cartoons, and gave them pencils and took them at least for a half an hour, just relax
Therefore draw a quick and easy for kids