
Jean Marie Le Pen fighting Socialists (05/30/1997) (english subs)

2016-11-15 21 Dailymotion

Jean Marie Le Pen fighting Socialists in Mantes-La-Jolie.

Jean-Marie LE PEN came to support his daughter Marie-Caroline, candidate for the legislative elections in the 8th circonscrptions of the Yvelines, in Mantes-la-Jolie. The president of the Front National has shown to be very agressive toward the socialist candidate Annette PEULVAST-BERGEAL who filled charges against Jean-Marie LE PEN for "voluntary violence". Jean Marie LE PEN, exiting his car, charges toward the socialist candidate, corner her against a wall and tries to rip her tricolor scarf shouthing "We are sick of you! you know how sick we are of you ??". Police officer intervene to protect the elected and try to reason Jean Marie LE PEN. Jean Marie LE PEN then proceed to fight his way out against socialist supporters.

This is a classic video of Jean Marie le Pen where one of his famous line is heard "Je vais te faire courir moi tu va voir le p'tit rouquin la bas, (...) Pédé !" translated to "I'm gonna make you run, little ginger over there (...) Faggot!"