
Evylyn - 5.4 2v2 Arenas with Str8ac3 - Double Warrior BLADESTORM PWNAGE! WOW MOP 5.4 ptr Warrior PVP

2016-11-14 6 Dailymotion

So today guys i did some 2v2 Arena with my friend Str8ac3 he's a really cool guy and we had a blast some really cool run arena's on the 5.4 ptr, be sure to check out his channel link in the discription, also heading away for a week, gonna have some fun, ill be back on the 28th with a kick ass video to upload, thanks for being so great guys, were almost 1 year on youtube :)

Str8ac3 - http://www.youtube.com/Str8Ac3gAming

TGN - http://www.tgn.tv
Partner with TGN - http://tgn.tv/partners/
Facebook - http://www.Facebook.com/Evylynwow
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/Evylynwow
Twitch - http://www.twitch.tv/Evylynwow
WCM - http://www.warcraftmovies.com/pv.php?l=Evylyn

Music by:
Dj Zenit - http://www.youtube.com/djzenitswe
Songs:- Heist

Andraes B - http://www.youtube.com/ASBsounds
Songs:- Paralyzed, A Beautiful World, Into your Soul