
Interactive session by Radio Jockey Rohit from Big 92.7 FM at RNB Global University

2016-11-14 2 Dailymotion

RJ Rohit from Big 92.7 fm, the first in his field from Rajasthan was at RNB Global University for an Interactive session to motivate and speak with the budding talent, where he emphasised, that to achieve goals in life and to be successful what you need is to DREAM and Dream Big.

RJ Rohit was welcomed with a lot of enthusiasm by RNBian’s to which he replied with his sensational words “Good moooooooorning……… RNB. The audience was a fusion of the seniors, juniors students from various batches such as B.Tech, MBA, BBA, BBA + LLB, B.Sc etc and the faculty members was overwhelmed with the idea of the RJ coming to speak with them.

For more information visit www.rnbglobal.edu.in or call us at 1800-313-0075