
How To Tell If Your Social Media Addiction Has Gone Too Far

2016-11-10 17 Dailymotion

How to tell if your obsession with FarmVille is a major problem: http://www.yourtango.com/201064181/social-media-addiction-are-you-risk

Presenting A YourTango After School Special "Please Stop Using Social Media, Mom": Do you count Foursquare, Farmville and Digg among your best friends? You may be addicted to social media! Don't become a statistic! Look out for these telltale signs that you're way too glued to your phone.


A YourTango after school special. We now return to ‘Please Stop Using Social Media, Mom’.

Hahahaha, so re-tweetable. You birds are angry aren’t you?!

Oh, excuse me. I’m so sorry I did not mean to interrupt.

It’s okay, it’s cool. We’re just doing a few lines of twitter. Barbara, just tried a little Foursquare.

One more time? I’ll be the mayor.

Wanna bump Karen? It’s no Biggy.

Oh, I don’t know. I mean-

Don’t be a baby! Your kids are probubaly doing it.

Come on its just one little tweet.

Oh, okay. One wouldn’t hurt right?

You can use my account honey. I’m clean. See that wasn’t so bad was it?

I just put in that I ate a Tuna Fish sandwich today.

Well, Discophil already retweeted you.

And Garyglitter22 wants to know if it had pickles.

What are you doing?

Uh, nothing honey nothing!

Farmville?! I thought you said this was an experiement; a one time thing! Two Thousand dollars in farm cash?! We were saving that for
money for Dereck’s space camp!

I just need three more cow stands! Just three more!

You’re just out of control! I’m logging you out!

No! My golden chicken! You can’t-

Honey, look. I am here for you and if you wanna go to a real farm I’ll take you!

You just don’t get it Dan! What do you know!? You don’t even have any followers.

We’re leaving Karen.

Hahaha, yes.

Let me know when you’re ready to talk face to face.

Omg! Aplusk just followed me! Ugh, false alarm he just retweeted. What!

Why aren’t you accepting my friendship!? Come on! I like this and I like this and I like this. Dereck! What happened to you? Oh, hold on I have a DM. The same thing that happened to you… mom. Oh De- Hold on I have another one. ‘I’m falling, head towards the ground now. I’m almost on the ground now. And, I’m feeling like I’m wireless. I’m such a terrible, terrible, mother! No! Oh, hold on. I have another one.


Who are you?

I’m tweetsie. The responsible user social media bird and I’m here to tell you, you should take a break every once and while. You need to set aside time for social media instead of checking in all day like a Dodo bird. Take a quick trip outside! Maybe dip your feet in a cool glass of OJ and enjoy your friends. Remember, don’t tweet the whole away and keep the social media fatigue at bay.

Thanks Tweetsie!

Paid for by the Greater Long Island Society for Internet responsibility.

Remember, Karen, I love you and I won’t have to post that on your wall. I am here for you in person.

I know I can learn to like things in real life again. Did I just laugh out loud? Dan! I just laughed out loud!

Just one quick dig. Oh, daddy like boing, boing.

What do you know you don’t have any followers, dammit!

I’m very disheveled. It’s very non John Tesh, right now.

Okay, it’s good!

It really affects the whole family.

It really does! We need some group family counseling. It’s gonna be really hard. It’s a rough go but we’re gonna do it.

If you wanna got to a real farm I can take you.

You should totally get on train yard or angry birds. Make those little piggies pay! Damn you Zuckerburg! Introducing, Spat Solver!

Penelope Lagos
Pamela Bell
Tom Miller
Michael Camerlengo
@FakeStache as
Dan's Mustache

Voice of Tweetsie
Ralph Byers

Directed and Edited by
Kevin Osgood

Written by
Ophira Eisenberg

Associate Producer
Tom Miller

Production Assistant
Michael Nebab

Make-up and Hair
Daniela Shappee

Sarah Harrison
Genevieve Lill
Lyz Lenz
Brett Shamosh
Jamie Shamosh

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Photo: http://weheartit.com/entry/106193243/