
8 WORST Things You Should Never Say To A Woman (As Told By Guys)

2016-11-10 11 Dailymotion

Weigh in on the worst things you've ever heard from guys here: http://www.yourtango.com/20085982/what039s-worst-thing-you039ve-said-a-woman

Guys share the worst thing they've said to a woman. Also, the worst pick-up line we've heard in awhile.


This is “That’s What He Said” where YourTango gets guys talking about sex, dating, makeups and breakups. I’m Juilian Dujarric and today we’re taking our “That’s What He Said” topics to the street.

There are so many. So many horrible things I’ve said to women accidentally. Oh no! I used the word “no” once and I got in big trouble for it.

What context? Uh… Can you take out the uh recycling and I said “No”.

Just recently one of the girls I've been seeing flew in from San Francisco to see and it was a surprise. I was angry that she didn't tell me she was coming to see me. So I said “Why the fuck didn't you tell me you were flying in to see me?

I once said that she reminded me of her sister and I once dated her sister. That seems an appropriate thing to do, right?

Oh yea. I’d recommend it. You’d recommend it?

No. One time when I broke up with someone they feel to their knees and started crying and I said “Are you sure you want to be doing this in front of me?”

I told an ex-girlfriend that she was a waste of my time which is something I still regret. She was a really nice girl.

How did she react? What did she say? It was all mottled in tears and mucus. I think the worst thing I ever said was your mom was hotter. How does a woman react to her mom being hotter than her? She was pretty appalled.

I approached a girl and she was playing duck hunter and I grab the fake gun and I shot myself. And I go “Your looks kill me”. And she just looked at her friends. They all laughed and sprinted out of the bar.

I say that girl doesn’t know a good man when she sees one. That is a great line!

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