
Revealed! What His Online Dating Profile *Really* Means

2016-11-10 1 Dailymotion

Got any crazy, OMG catfish stories? Weigh in here: http://www.yourtango.com/20085253/how-translate-online-dating-profiles

Dying to try online dating, but worried that the guy that you're digitally winking at is really a cyber stalker? Watch Love U's "Online Dating Translator" so you can pinpoint the telltale signs that you're about to get catfished!


Welcome to Love U. I’m your host Tiffany Smith. Dying to try online dating? But worried the guy you’re digitally winking at is really a cyber-stalker? Then don’t risk missing Love U’s online dating translator. Online Dating Magazine estimates 20 million adults visit at least one dating site per month.

That’s a pretty large pool to wade through. Screen potential dates by reading between the lines. Figure out if you should be buying what he’s selling. Let’s start with education and career. Some College.
I have no follow through. College Degree. Do you play beer pong. Ivy League Degree. Did I mention I went to Harvard? Graduate school. I’m gonna be paying back loans for a long time. You gonna eat that olive in your drink?

Self Employed. I’m unemployed. Financial Services. The girls on these sites will sleep with you if you say you’re in financial service right? Income: I’ll tell you later. Could mean...I’m really, really rich. But it probably means…I’m really, really poor. You gonna eat that olive in your drink?

Now let’s move on to physical traits. How does that guy describe his body? Does he see himself the way the rest of world does? Athletic. Yea, I used to play sports a really long time ago. Handsome.
That photo was taken in different lighting conditions. Curvy? That description is just for women? Average. Below average? Toned. Heavy set. You gonna eat that olive?

But the real test of compatibility is personality. Does he give you that warm and fuzzy feeling inside and he make you feel appreciated? How does Mr. Maybe describe his traits?

Opportunist. I go after what I want. No apologies. I’m a snuggler. Will you cuddle me? Divorced. I currently hate all women. Good sense of humor. Hahaha. No one thinks I’m funny but me! Family Man.

I live with my mom in her basement. Non- Crazy. Crazy. Outdoorsy. I pretty much been out in the street since the eviction. You gonna eat that olive. Last year more than 120,000 marriages occurred between couples who met on the web. So navigating it successfully can be done. You just need to know what to look out for and hopefully Love U has helped. Thanks for watching!

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