
FINALLY! The Secrets To A Healthy Marriage Revealed

2016-11-10 3 Dailymotion

If you've been wondering what the number one marriage secret is (that no one admits), you've come to the right place! Check out these surefire tips that are key to having a happy and healthy marriage.


We all know there are certain times of the year, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, the cat’s birthday when we’re expected to step up and buy a gift or a fancy dinner to show our significant other they are still significant. But what about the other 360 odd days? YourTango’s Joe Antol, a 12 year veteran of the vow thinks he may have the secrets to year-round romance and ways to stay happy all year long. Sex! Put out or get out (his words not mine).

But he has point. Has it worked? If one of the perks of marriage is the expectation of sex (sexpectation if you will) then when a problem arise you’re obligated to fix it. A shrink, Viagra, porn. Do what you gotta do to and keep doing it. Size! It matters. Those 20 extra pounds have got to go! Step away from the pie. If your partner wanted more of you to love she would have married James Gandel Feeney.
When Antol asks his wife whether she’ll still love him if he gets fat. She replies “Of course, but I’ll miss you”. Children: Happy marriage first! Children second. Kids won’t save a bad relationship by bringing you closer. In fact they may just heighten the problem. Imagine a set of tiny yet powerful lungs getting in on the action. Lastly, kissing. Do it often and randomly. There’s just not enough kissing in the world. As for the random part. Antol kisses his wife every time she sneezes. Do it whenever your partner mentions the ruined economy and you may never leave the bedroom.

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