
The Real Reason Why Vampires Make Us Swoon

2016-11-10 5 Dailymotion

If you can't think about Edward Cullen without swooning, head over here: http://www.yourtango.com/20087166/vampires-make-better-boyfriends

From True Blood to Vampire Diaries, Vampires are everywhere in the media these days. Even though they used to evoke fear, we now find them oh so sexy. LoveFeed discusses the growing fascination with the "chivalrous vampire." It's a known fact that vampires make better boyfriends.


And you thought it was hard finding a guy who didn't look like he was having a seizure when he hit the dance floor! Well how about a guy who can keep a car from careening into you by stopping it with his hand? As evidenced by the success of Twilight and True Blood, the popularity of vampire fiction film and television is rising again. And YourTango’s Jessica Wakeman claims that women who are fed up with chivalry being dead now prefer their dates to be undead. NPR's All Things Considered Concourse says the latest craze is the romantic and even chivalrous vampire.

Move over Dracula! The re-empire is dangerous because he couldn't drain your blood; chivalrous because he chooses not to. Hmm, that is sweet. Historically, vampires have represented what was forbidden in society and therefore sexy. Which prompts Waymen to ponder whether feminism has caused the simple acts of holding a door open, or offering to pay for dinner to take on forbidden sexy status. Whatever the reason, ladies are lining up to put their neck on the chomping block. Sure you can end up frozen in time shunned by a world that fears you. And forget ever going to the beach again! But doesn't it beat sitting by the phone wondering why some mere mortal didn't call?

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