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Question: What Does It Mean When He Sa"/>

What Does It Mean When He Says "You're Fun"?

2016-11-10 8 Dailymotion | Smart Talk About Love

Question: What Does It Mean When He Says "You're Fun"? Matt and Tamsen answer a question from a woman who can't tell whether or not a guy is interested in friendship or a relationship.

Featuring America's Love Experts, Matt Titus and Tamsen Fadal

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Transcript of video:

"Hey everybody, Matt and Tamsen here with Ask YourTango answering your love and relationship questions.

Today's question comes from SweetiePie.

She says I've been saying this guy for just over a month. I like him a lot but we're not boyfriend and girlfriend. He's telling her he thinks she's fun.

Fun, that's a great way to described. Fun and close friends mean he is not in it for a relationship at least right now.

He's also telling her this though: he needs to know her more before we get into a relationship, that is garbage.

I think he switched roles. Guys are supposed to to be the aggressor. They don't normally always have to, but in general, they will come after a girl with a vengeance, in a good way, that they really like. Stop pushing the situation.

If a guy is telling you he doesn't know you well enough to be in a relationship with you but he knows you well enough to be good friends, that's insane!

You know what, you need to be good friends with him and not worry about the relationship. I know you like him a lot right now he is not in a place where he's ready to be any closer to you.

When a guy likes a woman, the word friendship never comes into play, ever. Guys, don't use the f-word. Alright, Sweetiepie, let us know what happens."