
Jersey Shore Snooki's Guidette Breakup Advice

2016-11-10 5 Dailymotion

How do you know when it's time to break up? Jersey Shore's Snooki points us in the right direction when it comes to dead-end relationships.

YourTango's Heart Felt Advice—Love, marriage, dating and breakup advice from your favorite celebrity...puppet.

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Read more break up advice over at YourTango:
Break Up Advice - 5 Secret Tips

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Hi everyone -- it's your girl Snooki and um, like I'm here to give some Heart Felt Advice for all of you who are friggin' lost when it comes to dating. (reading) How do you know when it's time to break-up?

One sure sign is he stops doing the things that you love, like waxing his eyebrows, or he gets off the steroids and starts using sunscreen... or worst of all you find out he's really friggin' Irish. Or you don't feel like partying any more. Like instead you're drinking friggin' herbal tea and reading books. If you're not hitting the floor at the club, getting hammered and going wild -- it's so over.

If you fight all the time I guess that's bad. You know, like I'm not your punching bag. Well I was that one time but he wasn't my boyfriend so it's cool.

Remember how in the beginning he made you feel like the Princess of Poughkeepsie with a poof made of friggin' diamonds?! Well if he stops seeing you for the beautiful Guidette that you are, or starts talking about other girls like -- check out JWows rack... you should tell him to hit the boardwalk.

But fo' real - breaking up is hard. If only we all just dated friggin' pickles. Pickles are my thing. Even when they're half-sour they love you. Yo! That was deep! Pickles never hate on you.

Don't worry, you'll push through the hate and find another Guido king. That's the beauty of life and the Jersey Shore: like, there's always another juicehead piasan around the corner.

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That's friggin awesome.