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Am I Doomed To Get A Divorce?

2016-11-10 0 Dailymotion

Question: "How do I avoid becoming a divorce statistic?"

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transcript of video:
This is Paul Carrick Brunson with Ask YourTango, answering all your love and relationship questions.

Today's question is, "With the divorce rate being so high, how can I avoid being a statistic?"

We often times are swayed by these doom and gloom statistics and I hate when I see these doom and gloom statistic.

The reason why is because not all data applies to us.

Let's take this 51% marriage rate for example. All data shows that that 51% is a complete broad stroke.

And for those that date in a very committed way, and that is for at least two years, the divorce rate shrinks to 20-21%.

My point is that dating, just like any other facet of life, is hard work and you want to do it diligently.

And so that's why two years is the number because you need to have enough time to be to not only hear someone's values, but observe how they act, right?

Watch those values play out.

You want to be able to determine if you speak the right love language. You want to be able to see your vision is aligned. You want to see acts of selflessness demonstrated.

There's many of us that are happy in our relationships and many of us that have very successful marriages.

I'm sure if you do it right - take your time and you're diligent, you will as well.