
5 Ways To Get Over Your Ex: Move On Already! (#DumpUrEx)

2016-11-10 5 Dailymotion

Years ago, in the pre-internet age, getting over an ex was pretty straightforward. You stopped calling him, avoided places he might be, and gave back that comfy sweatshirt you loved sleeping in.

Nowadays, breaking up is a lot more complicated—Facebook and Twitter provide you with up-to-the-minute details about your ex's new life; your cellphone is full of picture of you two together; your iTunes playlist still houses the "For My Greatest Love" playlist. These and other digital reminders make it virtually impossible to move on.

With this in mind, YourTango has declared your should break up with your ex—and this video tells you how.

Intrigued? Use the Twitter hash tag #DumpUrEx to tell us your stories.

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