What's happening, guys! Today, I am showing you how to make your PC/Laptop run faster.
In this video, I am showing you 3 easy steps to make your PC run faster.
Text Version of this video is available now at https://binittech.blogspot.com/2016/09/MakeYourPCorLapTopRunFaster.html
I tried to make this video better than my previous videos. I searched information all over the web and made many YouTube Friends from my country to gather information on making a nice video.
I took help from Ramcubed's video to make this video.
Ram³'s Video: http://goo.gl/YEeZ61
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Questions you may ask?
✮What's your name? = Binit Ghimire
✮Age? = 15
✮Country? = Nepal
✮When did you start this channel? = September 21, 2014
✮Have you partnered with any Multi-Channel Network? = Yes. I'm partnered with Freedom! You can partner with Freedom! here: www.Freedom.tm/via/TheBinitGhimire