
Smart Pistol Mk5 Review - Titanfall (Gameplay and Commentary)

2016-10-22 4 Dailymotion

UPDATE: 21 March Patch Notes mentioned "Slightly decreased the damage of the Smart Pistol when not locked onto a Pilot," but didn't mention the actual amount. Link in the description below. Worst case scenario is that it bumped your non-lock number of shots by one, but I haven't done the testing yet.

Today we're reviewing one of the most versatile and controversial weapon in Titanfall, the Smart Pistol Mk5.

::Related Links::
Den Kirson's raw stats - http://denkirson.proboards.com/thread/6972/weapon-raw-stats
Symthic Titanfall stats - http://symthic.com/titanfall-stats
Balance Pass (3/21/2014) patch notes - http://www.respawn.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=11898

::Attached Videos::
Learning from Games - http://youtu.be/bcg8JdGQVmE
Games that Inspire You - http://youtu.be/weaRH-fBK2c

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