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Today it was revealed that the zm_genesis video file that was discovered within the game files of Black
Ops 3 and believed to be the Second Ending Cutscene for Revelations may not be the case. It was revealed that this encrypted file was actually the Shadows of Evil intro cutscene masquerading as a cutscene from the Revelations Zombies map. Some members of the Zombies community disagreed with this conclusion and claimed the de-encryption process was flawed. This led to some post being removed from the COD Zombies Subreddit and the backlash resulted in the subreddit being locked for a period of time. Another independent source had then confirmed the file was the Shadows of Evil Cutscene.
Here is my take on the three possibilities with the zm_genesis file.
1) It is the Shadows of Evil Cutscene and Treyarch is trolling us.
2.) It is the Shadows of Evil Cutscene and was put there by mistake. It can't accept that they would put in a 137MB file in a download that's 9.3GB for the lolz. "They're trolls, but not malicious."
3. The file was not been properly/fully decrypted as per what a few sources as saying and that it may be something else.
Now this does not prove the non-existence of a Super Easter Egg, and even those saying this is the SOE intro say there is more to find.
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What is does show, if it is the SOE intro, is that there is most likely no second ending cutscene at the conclusion of that EE.
Porter’s Reddit post- https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/56bf3l/since_neither_me_or_df_care_about_you_guys_enough/
Prtrex’s Reddit Post- https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/56eebl/im_here_to_prove_the_super_ee_does_exist/
Twitch......................► https://www.twitch.tv/codzombieshq
Outro Song- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mmu5Lo0l