

2016-10-17 8 Dailymotion

Welcome to Cod Zombies HQ- the Daily COD Zombies News Show!
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1. Today a big Zombies YouTuber named MrRoflWaffles uploaded a video attempting to explain how the mysterious zm_genesis file that many believed to be the Secret Second Ending Cutscene for Revelations was de-encrypted. In order to help prove that this method of de-encryption works he played some never before heard audio of an unfound easter egg, where in Dr. Monty becomes the game announcer in Revelations! This is so awesome as it proves that there are still awesome Easter Egg’s that have yet to be found in Revelations, though at this time we do not know if this is some independent side Easter Egg, or is part of some larger Super Easter Egg.
MrRoflWafles- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqZ6DcBH25w

2. A Reddit user named KillTheSkillz made a post to the COD Zombies subreddit detailing a series of mysterious videos uploaded to the YouTube channel of the most prominent datamine in the Zombies community named DecrypterFixer. These videos were later deleted from the YouTube channel meaning that only those who were able to watch them at the time were able to attempt to decipher them.
Several video gave coordinates to places in the word where Peter McCain a mysterious figure in the Zombies storyline makes appearances. There were also video that showed the apothicon language as well as more new audio files from Revelations. As DecrypterFixer is one of the largest proponents of Super Easter Egg in Black Ops 3many people believe that he is dropping hints as to the steps for the Super Easter Egg with these videos.
Post- https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/56fv1o/new_infocode_from_df/

3. Treyarch has announced that this weekend will be a Double Weapon XP weekend, so it\s the perfect time to play some zombies and max out those weapons! :D

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Outro Song- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mmu5Lo0lVnQ