
President Obama plots a course to Mars and back by the 2030s

2016-10-11 3 Dailymotion

US President Barack Obama has revealed that the United States is working in partnership with private companies to send and expedition to Mars and back by the 2030s.

Obama Wants Humans on Mars by 2030's https://t.co/OIlZWopcGE pic.twitter.com/PUgLsAzf2N— Voice of America (@VOANews) October 11, 2016

‘‘We are working with our commercial partners to build new habitats that can sustain and transport astronauts on long-duration missions in deep space. These missions will teach us how humans can live far from Earth,something we’ll need for the long journey to Mars,” he wrote in a new Op-Ed for CNN.

As the president expressed his fascination for space exploration the joint European Space Agency/Roscosmos “ExoMars“https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExoMars mission arrives at the Red planet at the weekend, before sending the Schiaparelli lander down to the surface of the planet.

More on how #MarsExpress will provide critical support to ESA_EDM's entry, descent & landing #exomars next week https://t.co/tlJnQNKNWt pic.twitter.com/9EjwAPs4bQ— ESA Operations (esaoperations) October 10, 2016

Fast Descent! ExoMars' Module Will Land In Under 6 Minutes | Video https://t.co/Gjz40nJXnl pic.twitter.com/KVGZ6HGzti— SPACE.com (@SPACEdotcom) October 6, 2016

The new space race is hotting up with Boeing claiming the first person to step on Mars will be transported in a Boeing rocket.

.NASA LockheedMartin Boeing ulalaunch OrbitalATK AerojetRdyne making rocket to #JourneyToMars #Senditwayup pic.twitter.com/uv3LsZzjIL— Jerry Rengel (@SpaceRengel) August 5, 2016