
Thomas Trains Motorized Raceway MINIS Playset with James - Thomas et ses amis Circuit Motorisé Minis

2016-10-06 1 Dailymotion

Disney Collector Toy Channel DCTC presents Thomas & Friends MINIS motorized raceway playset. It all starts when you send Thomas and James MINIS up the steep vertical lift. The minis climb up automatically as the motorized playset lifts them up for an action-packed, multi-track adventure! When the MINIS reach the top of the set, turn the switch to choose your track. The first track is the water track - sending your MINIS down the waterfall and right into a 360 degree loop! Next up is a free-fall drop track headed toward a broken piece of track. Swivel Cranky the Crane to swoop in and rescue your MINI! As your MINI picks up speed, it jumps over the gap and lands on the track ahead in thrilling daredevil fashion. The final track seems headed for nowhere. but have no fear, as your MINIS will simply roll off the edge, defying gravity and rolling upside down along the inverted sky track! Playset includes Thomas and James MINIS engines and works with all MINIS locomotives.\r
Thomas et ses amis, Thomas le petit train, Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, Thomas e Seus Amigos, Il trenino Thomas, Die kleine Lokomotive Thomas, 토마스와 친구들, Thomas og hans venner, Томас и его друзья, Tomek i przyjaciele, Thomas y sus amigos, Томас и другари, Thomas de stoomlocomotief.\r
Benvenuti ai miei giochi di canale e giocattoli per neonati e bambini in età prescolare che ama le bambole e giocattoli. Iscriviti al nostro canale e seguire le video :)\r
Bienvenue sur ma canal jouets. Cest une chaîne pour bébés et tout-petits enfants dâge préscolaire où vous trouverez des vidéos pâte à modeler et oeufs surprise, les jouets surprise de Disney.\r
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