
Sensory inputs and motor output in the lamprey optic tectum in the intact brain using COLM

2016-09-27 109 Dailymotion

The visual input through the optic tract (OpT) to the optic tectum (OT), and the electrosensory afferents from the octavolateral area (OLA) are shown after a neurobiotin injection in the OT, in a cleared brain using the method CLARITY. The motor output can be also followed from the deep layer to the reticulospinal cells in the brainstem. The brain is shown from a dorsal view and in the bottom-left corner a schematic in a sagittal view can be seen. A moving bar indicates the approximate region shown at each moment. Areas of interest are annotated through the duration of the movie.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.16472.003