
5 Illuminati Game Cards pointing to 9 23 or 9 24 !!!! WARNING DAILYMOTION CENSORED NIBIRU ALERT ALERT

2016-09-20 2 Dailymotion

You Need to Know About September 23, 2016 and the Monumental Event it Foretells?!
BTW; a huge prophetic event occurred on 9/7/2016, which was a day that a watch had been issued; Major Prophecy Alert: One World Religion House Of Worship To Be Inaugurated On The Watch Day, 9/7/2016! The last event of the interfaith festival that dedicated the worship center starts at 1300 hours on 9/23/16.

Here is some striking data about the time around 9/23/16 left by a commenter on a previous post.

Regarding September 23-26 2016, The 23rd of September 2016 is one solar year from the Pope’s visit to the US and one solar year to “the sign”, this year September 23rd will mark his 1290th day from his election on 3/13-14/2013. The 1335th day from the Pope’s election is November 8th 2016, possibly another universal church shaking of some sort on 9/23/2016?

The 9/11 anniversary is just about over and as of 4:20pm CST no similar event but a solar year is not the only measurement of time, 9/11/2001 was the 23rd of Elul this year it’s 9/26/2016, the date of the first presidential debate and 66 weeks 6 days from central point of the two solar eclipses of 2015 which was the new moon on the morning of 6/16/2015 10:05am in New York City.

While the 26th of September 2016 is the 23rd of Elul their is a slight different in the Moon as it was on 9/11/2001, around solar noon on the 24th of September 2016 the Elul moon will be the same age and have the characteristics as was on 9/11/2001. 9/24/2016 is also 1260 days from sunset 4/14 to sunset 4/15 2013 the Boston Marathon bombing.

In the Jewish calendar this year 9/23/16 is Elul 20. Many major events taken against Israel have occurred on that day including the infamous “bloody Monday.” http://www.torahtots.com/timecapsule/thismonth/elul.htm#20

Let me also mention that 9/23/16 is four days after the arch of Triumph/Bel/Baal is to be set up in NYC. Here is what Bullinger says about the number 4 in scripture.

It is the number of things that have a beginning, of things that are made, of material things, and matter itself. It is the number of material completeness. Hence it is the world number, and especially the “city” number… Four is the number of the great elements—earth, air, fire, and water… Four is the number of the great elements—earth, air, fire, and water… Four marks division also… This is too large a subject to enter on here, but it is most significant that we get the number four in its concentrated form in connection with q#&em@ed@a, DAMASCUS, which is the oldest city in the world. The number of its name is 444…

Speaking about the city; the U.N. is back in session and word is there may be a big push for the Palestinian State very soon. That always brings trouble. (HT Running from Babylon)


That is the data that I have for 9/23 in general and 9/23/16. As originally hypothesized, what if all the signaling for 9/23/15 was delayed by a year because it was a Jubilee year? If that is the case then we might expect something monumental to occur on 9/23 this year. And then the big question becomes; what if anything is the monumental event that all the data foretells?

Will there be a Nibiru event as the Bible code featured above suggests? No, I do not think so; remember a Nibiru/planet x passing closely aligns with the events of Seal 6 which occurs after the antichrist comes on the scene—so it is too early for that. Besides if there was going to be an earth effecting Nibiru encounter it would have been seen by now. Also remember that unless the odds are high enough a Bible code may be just a random occurrence. Now that does not mean that there may be a Nibiru announcement and or a rogue asteroid come 9/23/16.

So in my mind that eliminates a Nibiru passing, and still leaves us with the question will there be a monumental event on 9/23/16 and if so what will it be? A major earthquake or volcanic eruption, financial crash, Atlantic ocean asteroid, terrorist attack, a North Korean incident, a Mid East war, a major UFO deception, the Hoover event, a New World Order/Religion event, A Palestinian statehood event…? The possibilities are numerous.

Whether or not anything of importance will occur on 9/23/16, I do not know. However, I do know that something of great importance will occur on 9/23/17—The Sign of the Woman Clothed with the Sun. This event may mark the middle of the 70th Week just before Israel flees into the wilderness and the antichrist takes over the world. If this is the case, then between now and then, but closer to that time, major prophetic events and great earth changes will take place. Post to follow… Note important update added below.

BTW; the date of the sign of the Woman clothed with the sun is also encoded on the dollar bill.
WARNING DAILYMOTION CENSORED NIBIRU ALERT ALERT !!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph7hWYyeAaU