
Phone smuggling pigeon: Bird caught sneaking cellphone, USB into Colombian prison - TomoNews

2016-09-01 1 Dailymotion

BOYACA, COLOMBIA — A pigeon was caught trying to smuggle in contraband goods into a high security prison in Colombia.

Two prison guards at the Combita prison in Boyaca trapped a pigeon that they found was carrying a small delivery. The pair found a small plastic bag containing a mobile phone and USB stick secured to a harness on the pigeon’s back, according to Colombia Reports.

After taking out the baggie, the guards used a nail clipper to snip the harness off. They then set the pigeon free, and watched as it flew onto a nearby roof.

Prison officials have yet to determine which inmate the bird was delivering its parcel to, but are currently investigating.

It’s not the first time inmates have used pigeons to smuggle items. There were similar incidents in 2009 and 2011, reports the Mirror. Even in other prisons, pigeons are often used to carry contraband and serve as drug mules.