
Plants vs Zombies 2 Level 5 Bluestacks PC Android Emulator

2016-08-30 42 Dailymotion

Plants vs Zombies 2 PC Level 5 Bluestacks Android Emulator English Version
Instructions start at 3:44 or read the description.

I found to beat level 5 you needed to use a control pad as well as a mouse...
I used a logitech f710

To Pinch the zombies
1 Hold down ctrl on your keyboard
2 Hover the controllers yellow cursor to a spot near the chin of the zombies
3 Press and hold down the back left shoulder button on the controller
4 put the mouse curser on the head of that zombie
5 scroll the mouse wheel down while shaking the mouse around

Seems crazy, but it works!

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Watch this series from the beginning - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPNG-x6iPMTZ819yyX9Z8JR_Dq-XtOzTj