
Real Alien Message Received! Decoding ET's Message despite the Disinformation. Crop Circle Proof.

2016-08-21 99 Dailymotion

In 1974 we transmitted a message into deep space in an attempt to communicate with aliens! They just returned our call! What is the purpose of these cryptic messages hidden in plain sight all over the globe? UFOs are often spotted in the area! Bigfoot , Sasquatch, the Chupacabra, & the Yeti are often blamed out of Disinformation. Unexplained, yet Clearly intelligently designed, the great bulk of these puzzles goes undeciphered! The slim few that we humans have managed to decode, have proven to contain inklings of top secret classified darpa technology and some our most advanced mathematical and scientific principles. Someone, somewhere is frantically trying to tell us something extremely important. What could it be?