
Wikileaks founder Assange ‘arbitrarily’ detained – UN panel ruling

2016-08-10 1 Dailymotion

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Assange claimed asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden. He is wanted there for questioning over rape allegations, which he denies.

He appealed to the UN, saying he was a political refugee whose rights were being infringed by being unable to take up asylum in Ecuador.

A statement from the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (ONCHR) Working Group on Arbitrary Detention said:

“The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention considers that the various forms of deprivation of liberty to which Julian Assange has been subjected constitute a form of arbitrary detention.
WikiLeaks' Assange 'arbitrarily detained' in embassy, U.N. ...
- WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been subject to 'arbitrary ... in London to avoid a rape investigation in Sweden, a U.N. panel will rule on Friday. ... But the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention ruled in
Julian Assange is being 'arbitrarily held', UN
A UN panel will conclude Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is being ... The Met Police says Mr Assange will be arrested if he leaves the embassy. Swedish prosecutors said the UN panel's decision would have "no wikileaks, julian assange, rt, assange, sweden, ecuadorian embassy, un panel, uk, britain, web, demanda, departamento de justicia, justicia, espía, snowden, violador, extradición, free assange, londres, embajada de ecuador, suecia, heroe, espia, fundador de wikileaks, onu, rt español, un, cablegate, rights, switzerland, documentos clasificados, скандал, политизировано, лишение свободы, швеция, великобритания, сексуаwikileaks
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