
DEBUNKED,Chemtrail Plane Shot Down Over China,Putin Warns Obama Disclose Nibiru & Aliens.

2016-08-08 79 Dailymotion

Ever feel like you live in a Groundhog Day, meets Wag the Dog, meets Matrix type scenario? Recently someone reached out to me with an article about how a Chemtrail Plane was shot down over China that was carrying a modified swine flu virus to be sprayed via chemtrails over a populated area. I read the article and in my option it sounded like propaganda, so i did so more research and found that same article has been written and rewritten by various sources for at least 8 years. Also i found a couple other articles that have been reposted and rehashed multiple times on, supposedly Putin demanding Obama tell the World about Nibiru or he will.
Now with all that said, i am not attempting to debunk Nibiru, or Chemtrials, this podcast is to prove how easy it is to create unrest and manipulate the masses via internet propaganda.

