
Black man rants about #policelivesmatter after Baton Rouge shooting that left cops dead - TomoNews

2016-07-27 1 Dailymotion

THE INTERNET — Hours after the officer shootings in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a man posted a live, uncensored rant on Facebook condemning the killing of law enforcement.

Terrence Williams, a black man, said he was “pissed off” and “sick of this ghetto shit,” when he heard about the shooting. He asked Facebook users, “What the hell we gonna do without the police?”

He continued:

“Who the hell we gonna call on? The damn Ghostbusters? You can’t call on me! What we gonna do without the damn police if y’all gonna try to kill all the damn cops in America!” he continued. “Who you gonna call at 3 in the morning when your husband wakes up and decides to bust your damn throat? Who you gonna call? Your momma? Me? Your brother? Cause you ain’t gonna be able to call me, I can guarantee you that, because I ain’t waking up to that shit!”

He went on to tell people to listen to the police, let them do their work and to put the “damn guns” down because we need them, calling everyone against law enforcement “ghetto.”

Williams’ video quickly went viral. In less than 24 hours, the video was viewed well over one million times.

Although he was addressing some very serious issues, some commenters chose to focus more on that fact that he was eating fried chicken than the content of his rant. One woman even invited him over for dinner, writing, “I will make you fried chicken I am a white country girl I know how to make fried chicken.”

This isn’t the first of Williams’ rants that went viral. The man has been posting live videos all month since July 10, when he posted a video of himself ranting about folks who want to “move back to Africa.” In that video, William emphasizes all that America has to offer and even introduces the idea of being “whitewashed,” which he later addressed in another video. He was eating fried chicken then too.