
Strangers save man from car crash: Good Samaritans flip car to rescue trapped driver - TomoNews

2016-07-27 6 Dailymotion

LEXINGTON, SOUTH CAROLINA — A Facebook user posted a video of a incredible moment when a group of Good Samaritans flipped a crashed convertible to rescue the driver trapped inside.

Jonathan Janzen, 20, was driving to work on Interstate 20 Tuesday morning when he became distracted and lost control of his vehicle.

In an interview with local news outlet WIS TV, Janzen said, “As I hit about 70 miles per hour, [the book] fluttered up and I’m like, ‘What’s that?’ I veered off to the left, overcorrected, and went across. I can’t believe I didn’t hit anybody.”

Janzen’s red convertible reportedly flipped two or three times before eventually landing upside down in a ditch. About 12 to 15 passersby saw Janzen’s horrific collision and went over to rescue the trapped driver by working together to flip his vehicle over.

Janzen miraculously survived the crash. To express how overwhelmed he was by other people’s kindness, he posted the following message to Facebook:

“I was not expecting to see that many people standing there…then people [were] giving me hugs … Thank you so much every single one of you, just thank you for your concern.”