
Khawarij talking to Saudi Arabian Media and tells their plans for attacking Masjid e Nabvi Roza e Rasul etc

2016-07-07 10 Dailymotion

Khawarij talking to Saudi Arabian Media and tells their plans for attacking Masjid e Nabvi Roza e Rasul etc
Do remember that ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. They are created by Israel to capture Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria etc to make Greater Israel. Daesh ISIS are treated in Israeli Hospitals. ISIS are funded, aided and trained in Israel. They've been taught to grow beards and spread terrorism as if you are a Muslim so that Muslims get confused and get afraid of Islam.
ISIS member Abu Turab Al Mugaddasi said that they would destroy the Kaaba in Mecca: “If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. People go to Mecca to touch the stones, not for Allah.”