
FOX News Reporter Posed as "Victim" of Pulse Gay Massacre - CAUGHT in The Act

2016-06-15 1 Dailymotion

Patience Carter was one of the "survivors" of the Pulse Night Club "Massacre." She is also an intern reporter for FOX news, it was revealed - a fact not mentioned in her 'terrorist spared blacks' story. She is what's known in faked massacre circles, as a "crisis actor." Several such actors have been revealed in the Pulse "massacre" performance thus far.





ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, media, State Department, Mateen, Pulse, Gay, Orlando, Obama, massacre, mass shooting, news, Omar Mateen, G4S, victims, deaths, Florida, false flag, fake terrorism, terrorist, propaganda, Gladio-B, FBI, FEMA, DHS, drill, fake news, crisis actors, LGBT, Pulse club, staged, actors, fake injuries, gun control, politics