
Lightning McQueen gets Trapped in Radiator Springs Re Enactment with Sheriff and night vision

2016-06-06 50 Dailymotion

Pixar Cars Toys and Thomas and Friends Kids Toys, presents this retro re-upload from 2013, this video is a re-enactment of how Lightning McQueen came to be arrested in Radiator Springs on that fateful night he fell out of Mack's Trailer, and got lost. McQueen accidentally destroys the town's main street while fleeing from the local sheriff (he mistook the old cruiser's backfiring for gunshots). Sheriff was the first resident of Radiator Springs to appear in the original film and the first to meet Lightning McQueen during a police chase when McQueen was speeding through the town, trying to find Mack. Upon catching McQueen, who had become ensnared in wires and fencing, Sheriff paraphrases a line used by actor Joe Higgins, who played a sheriff in early 1970s Dodge commercials, as "Boy, you're in a heap of trouble."
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Or if you like Lightning McQueen and Pixar Cars click this link:

Or Pixar Cars re-enactments with Mater, Doc, Sally and Radiator Springs Play set, including the V-8 Cafe , Ramones House of Body Art, and Lizzies Curio Shop, click this link:

Pixar cars is available in many countries, and here are some of the many languages: Tachky 2" "Verdák 2, カーズ 2, Les Bagnoles animées , Cars Motori Ruggentie , Cars Quatre roues , bujdy na resorach , 汽車總動員2 , Złomka bujdy na resorach , Arabalar , Autogrotesky , Аутомобили Cars2 , Arabalar 2 , Auta 2 , Auti 2 , Automobili 2 , Autod 2 , Autot 2 , Bilar 2 Bilar 2 , Cars 2 , Carros 2 , Les Bagnoles 2 , Mankanebi 2 , Masini 2 , Ratai 2 , WOW, thats a lot of names...lol

Or even more Thomas the Train videos , with Diesel 10, and Harold the Helicopter , and Sir Topham Hatt, on the Isle of Sodor ,click this link :

In many of our other videos, we used the Cookie Monster to help us open the eggs, so you can click here to see other videos, of Cookie Monster, and Surprise Eggs.


To see my other Cookie Monster video where Cookie Monster is opening Kinder Egg Surprises , click this link :

Überraschung, Kinder Huevos, Kinder Ovo, Киндер Сюрприз, Kinderegg, Kinderüberraschung, thats a lot of languages..lol..

To See Cookie Monster play with the Teletubbies, click this link :

To see Cookie Monster play with Lightning McQueen from Pixar cars, click here:

To see Cookie Monster play with Thomas the Train, click here :

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