
2016-06-05 Trinity Sunday +02, 1.Agnus Dei-Michael W. Smith, sung by David Brymer, 2. Luther sermon, 3. Piper Romans sermon, BWV 76 The Heavens recount the Glory of God, Rilling

2016-06-05 23 Dailymotion

2016-06-05 2nd Sunday after Trinity
1.Agnus Dei-Michael W. Smith, sung by David Brymer (02 Alabanza 2),
2. Luther sermon: http://www.godrules.net/library/luther/129luther_d4.htm
The Great Supper and the Invitation
“... on Luke 14: ‘A man made a great supper. ’” Wittenberg, 1523.
3. John Piper Romans sermon:
19980517 01v6-7 R004 The Called of Christ and the Loved of God 1
All John Piper Romans messages:
4. BWV 76 Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes/The Heavens recount the Glory of God, Helmuth Rilling
English cantata translation: