
Britney Goes Mental! Paris Crys at a 944 party. Lindsay ...

2008-02-08 2,002 Dailymotion

Britney Goes Mental, but she's not Alone! Hollywood we have a problem. All this and more as BSW gets to the bottom of Hollywood's latest fad … depression!

Writers strike day too many to count: The out of work stars are literally losing their minds!!! Eva Mendes in rehab, Justin Chambers checks himself in, Kirstins Dunst's on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and Britney's 5150 hospital stay. Hollywood What the Fuck! Now… Doctors report that Britney is now required to stay hospitalized at UCLA Medical Center an additional 14 days!

Spears' father Jamie has been granted temporary conservator-ship over her daughter's estate by an L.A. court. Which means Jamie is in charge of Britney's medical treatment, business and liquid assets, and has filed a restraining order against Britney's manager, Sam Lutfi.

Britney went ballistic upon hearing the courts decision because of her hatred for her father and screamed, "Nobody's taking my house. Who is my family?"

Britney's condition seems to be worsening and the black hole that surrounds her has now engulfed Hollywood in a dark and deranged funk. In Hollywood, is depression the new black?

Moving on to even more depressing news rapper 50 Cent made Paris Hilton cry during a super bowl post game party hosted by 944 magazine. When the princess decided to get onstage and dance, the hip-hopper's crew and stagehands quickly instructed her to "Get the f**k off the stage." She started to cry and tried to plead with the party's production staff to let her dance, whining, "But it's my party!"

Paris pick a pill and swallow! Paris look around do you see any of the other big girls crying at the party!?! Build a bridge and get over it!

Even more doubly depressing is that Lindsay Lohan has found a new boy toy! Jeremy Greene is a 25-year old singer/songwriter from Maine who is also "starring" in a "realty show" with the actress. Jermey makes it the 500th boyfriend for Lindsay this year and it's only February.

It's depressing times to be a ...