
Researchers Find Fast Food Entrées Have Fewer Calories Than Those At Fast Casual Restaurants

2016-05-12 70 Dailymotion

Fast casual restaurants are often seen as more diet-friendly alternatives to fast food joints, but a recent study shows that isn’t necessarily true.

Fast casual restaurants are often seen as more diet-friendly alternatives to fast food joints, but a recent study shows that isn’t necessarily true. 

AccoIn terms of calories, the entrées served at places such as Chipotle and Panera Bread deliver a bigger blow to one’s daily intake allowance.

When researchers at the University of South Carolina’s Arnold School of Public Health tabulated the calories in average entrees from 28 fast casual eateries and 34 fast food outposts, they came up with counts of 760 and 581, respectively.

Notably, when deciding what constitutes ‘average,’ they let typical tastes and habits be their guides, ranch dressing and all.

The researchers do stress that, in their study, they did not assess o