
Spirituality: Devil and Hell exist? Heaven and Hell.

2008-02-01 1 Dailymotion

Talk on the Devil & Hell, and the existence of them.
Dr. Acharya Yogeesh: There is no devil. There is no hell. Only according to the Christian and Islam religion does this Devil, or Satan, exist. They say that the Devil is the creation of God. If God is so good, why did it create the Devil?
If you ask a priest, nun, or minister, they will answer: God gave everyone FREE-WILL.
So, by giving us "FREE-WILL" God has lost all power over us already. So why pray to God?
You are more powerful than God with free-will?
Who is God?
God is strong will. It is free will. It is not a person, man, or king high up in the sky and punishes. God is a light. It is free -will.
The Devil and Hell exist only in your mind. You can suffer when you are down, depressed or feeling guilty.
Mind can become like a devil because of greed, power, possessions, desires, wealth, and making people slaves.
Mind is Devil and it is hell.
There is no hell of fires as what Christians and Islams preach, talk about, or believe in. All beliefs are false.
They don't exist.
You can feel hellish pain in your own body for your accumulated karma. There are no pits of fires of hell. There is no purgatory.
The truth is: There is no devil. There is no hell.