
3 Natural Home Remedies For Treating DRY ITCHY SCALP

2016-05-03 44 Dailymotion

LEARN the causes of DRY SCALP and top remedies for getting rid of DRY ITCHY SCALP from your home. If you like this video give it THUMBS UP or share your suggestions in the comments section below.
Is your scalp itching? I’m sure most of us must have faced this problem at some point in our lives. Don’t worry because there are dime a dozen home remedies for dry scalp to free you from this problem. If your hair becomes unmanageable very often, and is prone to itching and breaking then dry scalp might be the reason. If dry scalp is not treated well, it causes itchiness of the scalp and several other issues. If you are facing dry scalp problems, stop using expensive hair care products and head straight to your kitchen for some home remedies for dry scalp.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R5NqhWKfRg