
Some fractions have a meaningless hatred towards Shiites. Shiites are pure Muslims

2016-05-01 3 Dailymotion

ADNAN OKTAR: There is hatred towards Shiites. Have these people ever met a Shiite in person? Shiites cry at the mention of God, and of Hazrat Mahdi (as). They would give their lives for the sake of Islam. Shiites are very brave. They are incredibly courageous. And they are also highly religious. They are sensitive about what is lawful and unlawful. What is your problem with them? What do you want from these people? What more do you expect from them? They cry their hearts out even at the mention of the names, Hassan and Hussein. They love the Prophet (saas) and his family splendidly. What more do you want from them? They perform their prayers five times a day. They are saintly, honorable people. Wahhabis are also greatly meticulous. People claim "the Wahhabis are perverts,” and so forth. You are the ones who are perverts because you despise Muslims. What is it that you have and they don't? They even have more upsides. So do the Shiites and Sunnis. Leave them in peace. The