
Luke 10v1-7:- Christ Jesus appointed 70 outer circle Labourers to do what John was doing - 2.

2016-04-29 0 Dailymotion

Luke 10v1-7:- Christ Jesus appointed 70 outer circle Labourers to do what John was doing - 2.

Holy Gospel of Jesus, the anointed Christ according to Saint Luke 10,1-7.

Go on your way. See, I am sending you out like the meek lambs, who will present the other cheek into the midst of wolves, the stooges of the crook Rabbis who beat St. Paul and locked the twice-born in the silence of the graveyard in Geneserate for throwing Pearls before swine. I meet such people when I try to Preach Gospel and that is why I have put on Light on my living House, the Temple of God, in case someone is interested. I find hardly any at all. Gospel seekers are not many; one in a 1000 and two in 10000 said St. Thomas of India. Carry no purse, no bag for begging food but work as St. Paul worked for his living, no sandals (I saw a monk bare footed walking in the cold in a literal sense); and greet no one on the road – or you will be locked in the silence of the graveyard for throwing Pearls before swine and this is very true in the European countries where people do not talk with strangers and even with their next door neighbour against people of Africa where they would greet you and present food. Mammon is the killer of spirituality. Whatever house you enter, first say, "Peace to this house!" And if anyone is there who shares Gospel in peace, your peace will rest on that person; but if not as the men of letters retort that this is not written in the Bible knowing not Gospel is buried in the Scriptures and you need the tool of logical reasoning to Dig them out, such people will retort and may even beat you called turning around to kill you as Angel Stephen was killed for throwing Pearls of Wisdom before the swine Synhedrian members, it will return to you. Remain in the same house, eating and drinking whatever they provide, for the labourer deserves to be paid. This is a corruption by the Messianic Jews to justify these hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches, which is against the principle set by St. Paul, who worked for his living and not be a Parasite or burden on any at all. He gave to the Church of God and not took away from it. These hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches are psychic soft spoken Parasite Judas Iscariot in sheep’s clothing, who deliver sugar-coated sermons of Falsehoods that kill many during the sectarian riots as you see in the Middle East today. Temple Priests were Vipers whilst these Anti-Christ Dog-Collared priests are Cobras. To get rid of these Hireling Dog-Collared Priests Jesus died on the Cross. Such Priests are not needed as John, the Baptist was the Last Whip or Prophet. So, no more Prophets, no more Priests but the very solitary Royal Priests of our Father God. Royal Priests do not seek the praises of men but of our Father who ordained them into His Service. Do not move about from house to house. If you study, Luke 16v16 that Law and Prophets were till John, the Baptist, then after John, the Baptist sin carries no significance because Prophets come as a Whip Masters for the Rabbis to sort them up but as Jesus said in the end that My father sent many messengers, Prophets, to go get the Fruit from the Winepress, the Jerusalem Temple but the Temple Priests maltreated them. So, last of all our Father sent His Very Son in the name of Christ Jesus, YeShua, so that the Temple Priests would recognise Him, which they did as proved in the once-born Nicodemus, who was once-born but honest whilst the other Temple Priests being twice-born but crook hypocrites knew that Jesus is the Christ, the very Son of God, and they not only maltreated Him but killed Him altogether to keep hold of the Winepress that was destroyed forever in 70 A.D. (7 x 10 = 70). Now, these sons of Satan of the highest order Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, the Tares of Matt. 13v24-30 are getting bundled up in Israel for Final Burning expected on 14 May, 2023. This is made up of 14 May, 1948 + 70 years of protection + 5 years of grace to 14 May, 2023.

My ebook has been published by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO
In Jesus, we are to be solitary Royal Priests.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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