On this episode of DTB’s “Bus Invaders”, we take you inside the touring vehicle of the alternative artist, Roger Harvey, while on tour with Frank Iero. Roger Harvey is best known for his songs “City Deer” and “Psychedelic Dogs”.
Watch more “Bus Invaders” episodes:
Frank Iero's tour bus: http://digtb.us/24iLTcE
Asking Alexandria's tour bus: http://digtb.us/24iLVBm
X Ambassadors' tour bus: http://digtb.us/24iLYgA
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Information about this video:
Film Date: November 29, 2015
Location: Chicago, IL
Keep up with the band on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xoRogerHarvey
Twitter: https://twitter.com/xorogerharvey
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Bus Invaders: http://bit.ly/businvadersseries
Cooking At 65mph: http://bit.ly/COOKINGAT65MPHplaylist
Crazy Tour Stories: http://bit.ly/crazytourstoriesseries
Dream Tour: http://bit.ly/dreamtourseries
Preshow Rituals: http://bit.ly/PRESHOWRITUALSplaylist
The Life Of Tour: http://bit.ly/THELIFEOFTOURplaylist
Tour Pranks: http://bit.ly/TOURPRANKSplaylist1
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Digital Tour Bus bio:
This is the official YouTube channel for Digital Tour Bus. We take you inside the tour buses of your favorite touring acts in our "Bus Invaders" video series. If you like what you see, make sure you visit our website, http://www.digitaltourbus.com/, for tons of news and exclusive features. We release three brand new videos every single day at 10am, 2pm and 6pm (CST), including a new episode of Bus Invaders everyday in the 10am slot! Our other various series, Crazy Tour Stories, Dream Tour, Preshow Rituals, Tour Pranks and Tour Tips (Top 5), fill in the 2pm and 6pm slots. Regardless of the genres of music you enjoy, we've got you covered! We cover everything from rock to rap to country and everything in between, so make sure you subscribe to be the first to see all of our new videos.