
50 years later -The Return of the 1964 Olympic Flag-//50年後ー1964年のオリンピック旗の返還ー

2016-04-27 205 Dailymotion

Click cc for English subtitles
As studious Japanese 5 students, Tylyn and Mana close-captioned this segment of a Japanese news program for potential non-bilingual viewers.
Long story short: This segment follows the heartwarming journey of one 1964 Olympic flag across a vast ocean, featuring one Mr. Ed Burke, the father of an English teacher, Ms Martin, at Los Gatos High School.

If you would like to understand any of what is being said in this video and you happen to speak only English, move your cursor to the little box in the bottom-right-hand corner of the video screen that has "cc" in it, click on it, and then select "English."