
Swimming Pool Maintenance Service-Los Angeles. Complete weekly pool service

2016-04-18 102 Dailymotion

For those that are lucky enough to have a pool, pool maintenance is part of the package. Pool maintenance can be extremely time consuming and very hard work! Skimming, scrubbing, brushing, your life away! Brushing a pool can be exhausting, but so important!
It is also important to promote cleanliness and good pool water chemistry. Cloudy water, green water, even black algae can make you wonder what you got yourself into! Water chemistry, Cyanuric acid, chlorine, acidity, alkalinity will make your head spin. So you add a little of this, a little of that and you've got a real mess. Don't forget the pool filter cleaning and pump service, and a pool heater can really complicate things.
A swimming pool pump is a crucial piece of mechanics that works hard to keep your pool clean.A swimming pool pump comes in a variety of sizes, shapes and models. The size and type of swimming pool you own has a lot to do with the type of pool pump you buy, for manufactures make pumps for above ground and in ground pool needs.
Why is a pool pump so important? Because it works with your pool's filtration system to keep the pool clean of debris. Swimming pool pumps pull water out of the pool through a skimmer basket and then through the filtering system, and back into the pool. Without the pump, nothing works.
Pool maintenance can take a lot of time and effort. So do it right and hire a pool maintenance pro. Spend more of your valuable time in the pool, not cleaning it! Isn't that why you have a pool in the first place.