
My Little Pony Theme (Equestria Girls Remix) Instrumental - My Little Pony: Equestria Girls

2016-04-13 66 Dailymotion

My Little Pony Theme (Equestria Girls Remix) (Instrumental Version) from the movie My Little Pony: Equestria Girls based on the television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.\r
Well, here we are: Equestria Girls! Ill preface this by saying the movie surprised me. I went in with low expectations (I never was a fan of the obvious corporate concept), and came out entertained. It was fun, and while not amazing, it was by no means bad, or even mediocre. Plus, the songs and BGM were all FANTASTIC and top-quality. Ill note that if you are for some reason not a fan of pop music, you probably wont be thrilled with the songs in the movie. But youve gotta admit the quality and production of them is great.\r
We begin with the first song from the movie, a remix of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic theme. This really caught me off guard. I was totally expecting some re-imagining of the theme song for the movie, but not an electronic remix. This really sounds like something that would come out of the fandom, not the show, which is pretty cool. I did love listening to the theater reactions when this song begun--it was quite good and unexpected.\r
The instrumental version here starts out a little weird and lifeless. Most of the song in the beginning is actually remixed vocals, and therefore is in the vocal channels. It picks up soon through with the remixed instrumental. On another note, most of the songs in Equestria Girls are mixed quite differently from the show. In the show, you usually have the vocalist in the center channel, backing vocals (if any) in the left or right channels along with the instrumental, and just the instrumental in the surround. However, for most of the songs here, all vocals and the instrumental in the front channels, backing vocals in the rear channels, and in the center, if anything, there is a soft instrumental. A lot of this has to do with the ensemble nature of most of the songs, as well as it being a more theatrical release.\r
Enjoy! (Watch in HD!)\r
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For a playlist with all of the BGM and songs from this episode in order: \r
Music By: Daniel Ingram\r
Remix By: Daniel Ingram\r
Lyrics By: Daniel Ingram\r
Performed By:\r
Rebecca Shoichet\r
Support the show by purchasing the movie!