
Stellar STAR WARS The Force Awakens KYLO REN Giant PLAY DOH SURPRISE EGG & Toy Opening Video

2016-04-12 1 Dailymotion

Hi guys! Today on our channel we have an awesome Play Doh Surprise Egg. This Playdoh Surprise Egg is modeled after Kylo Ren from Star Wars The Force Awakens. This Play Dough Surprise Egg is filled with all kinds of fun Surprise Toys. Let us know in the comments which toy that we opened today was your favorite.\r
Some of the toys included in this video are: a Character Building Dr. Who Micro Figure, an Imaginext minifig, a Harry Potter Collectors Keyring, a LEGO minifig, a Tomy The Legend of Zelda figure, a Marvel 500 character, a Tube Heroes minifig, a Mega Bloks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) figure, a Minecraft Craftables figure, a DC Comics Justice League Mashems, a Star Wars Hanger, and a Star Wars Galactic Heroes Luke Skywalker figure.\r
Do you like building with Play Doh or other modeling clay? Have you ever tried building with plasticine or plastilina? What about plastiline or plasticina? Maybe you have played with Softee Dough or Moon Dough?\r
Want to know how to say Play-Doh in other Languages? If you lived in Sweden, you might call it Modellera. If you lived in Portugal or Brazil, you might call it Massinha. If you speak Korean, you might know it as 플레이 도우. If you speak German, you may say Knetmasse. If you parler français, you might pronounce it pâte à modeler.\r
Heres how people say surprise eggs in other languages. In French: œuf surprise. In German: Ei Überraschung. In Hungarian: tojás meglepetés. In Italian: uovo sorpresa. In Japanese: 卵の驚き. In Korean: 계란 깜짝. In Lithuanian: kiaušinių siurprizas. In Portuguese: ovo surpresa. In Russian: яйцо сюрприз. In Spanish: huevo sorpresa. In Swedish: ägg överraskning. In Ukrainian: яйце сюрприз.\r
Music by Kevin MacLeod and YouTube\r
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