
13 Max Fleischer Color Classic Hawaiian Birds (1936) Fleischer Studios cartoons June 2016

2016-04-08 9 Dailymotion

One of my personal favorites in this series. Enjoy more classic cartoons of this kind at my website, TV-Signoffs.com. Each week Ill be posting at least four classic .\\r
A young female bird takes off with a 1930s swing jazz band (the Big City Orioles) to New York from her serene Hawaiian environment. The cartoon turns into a .\\r
With Titles Recreated, Patent Pening for Special Processes use in this Production Produced by: Max Fleischer, Dave Fleischer and Adolph Zukor (distributor) .\\r
The first Color Classic was photographed in the two-color Cinecolor process. The rest of the 1934 and 1935 cartoons were shot in two-strip Technicolor, .