
Functions & Commercial applications of Ethene

2016-03-26 1 Dailymotion

Plants Hormones
1. Auxins
Auxins and its effect
Senescence / Aging
2. Gibberelin
Effect of Gibberellins
it promote cell enlargement
it promote Bolting
Break bud and seed dormancy
Commercial applications of Gibberellins
Gibberellins in Agriculture
3. Cytokinins
Effects of Cytokinins
Promote stem growth
inhibit primary root growth
promote lateral root growth
promote bud initiation
promote fruit growth
Commercial applications of Cytokinins:
4. Abscisic Acid - Growth Retarder
Effects of Abscisic Acid :
promote bud and seed dormancy
promote flowering
promote leaf senescence
promote closing of stomata
Commercial applications of Abscisic Acid
5. Ethene
Effects of Ethene
Inhibits Stem growth
Inhibits root growth
Breaks Dormancy of bud
Promote Fruit ripping
Commercial applications of Ethene
Coordination and Control
Chapter No.17
Part 2